Friday, 6 September 2013

Bed and Washing Machine Time

Through the help of a generous friend, my boyfriend got a 'new to us' bedframe and box springs and headboard for his bed. His bed is a queen and mine is a full. His friend helped him carry the old frame and box springs outside where we covered it with a drop cloth in case of rain. I don't think they realized that I wanted to use the old stuff in my bedroom so I could get my mattress off the ground. Not only is it hard on my back, but this is scorpion season. But my room wasn't clean enough to move all that big stuff in there.

Today when I heard there was a 70% chance of rain, I didn't want to wait.  So I moved lots of stuff and went to help him carry the frame in. I had the metal frame almost in the door when he asked me to shake the sand off. I'm not sure what happened next but the thing swung around and the sharp corner crashed into my forehead, leaving a bleeding cut about 3/4 inch long. Ouch! Tears!

After my boyfriend mopped up blood and tears and I got a adhesive strip on the cut, and enough of a breather to go back to work, we got the whole shebang put together in my room.  Unfortunately my bed is a full size and the frame and box springs is a queen size, so eventually I'll have to get a queen sized mattress, but for now I'm happy to be off the ground.  I'm looking forward to sleeping in it tonight.

Also, another pair of friends went to a huge effort to find us a free washer.  They drove it out here last night, and as soon as we clear out the space the old washer used to sit in, we'll be able to wash clothes at home again. So this has been a very fruitful week. I have amazing friends!

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